Mayor Michael Taylor Misinterprets Sodom and Gomorrah
02 16 , 20:41 Filed in: News

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Ignorance is Bliss”? I can imagine that this phrase can most certainly have its benefits in providing or rather maintaining peace in the hearts of others. However, ignorance pertaining to some situations can be considered dangerous especially if you hold a position of power. It has come to the attention of many if not a few that the then Councilman Mike Taylor, now mayor, of Sterling Heights City, MI gave a painfully ignorant interpretation of the Biblical passage of Sodom and Gomorrah which was twisted in such a way that it does not apply to the condemnation of homosexuality. Although, we can thankfully take his word for it that it was “from his religious rearing” and he was reciting his understanding of the Sodom and Gomorrah story and not claiming it to be the true interpretation of the biblical passage. Nevertheless, according to Mr. Taylor the story goes,
“...couple of angels are sent from heaven to go to Sodom and visit Lot. An angry mob of...(pauses)..rapists want to rape these two angels. Lot gives them protection in his house...the angry mob knocks on his (Lot's) door. Lot, out of the generosity of his heart says, Don't rape these two two guests. Rape my two daughters instead! He throws his two daughters out to the angry mob to be raped by them. But the angry mob says we do not want your two daughters, we want those two men! So Lot and his family flee with the promise of God destroying all these wicked people. But God says don't turn around and look at the destruction or else I will turn you into a pillar of salt. Sarah can't help herself...Boom! She turned into a pillar of salt. Now Lot has escaped with his two daughters. Goes out to live in the mountains. Knows what happens when strange people go into they go into a foreign land, they get treated...pretty harshly. Lot's daughters get him drunk...have sex with him so that they can be impregnated with his children and the moral of this story is (wags his finger and sarcastically says) Don't Be Gay! I can't understand that?!” ( the audience claps in agreement )
It is clear that Mr. Taylor is ignorant of the meaning of this passage as he stated “I can't understand that.” And due to his ignorance, he can be easily forgiven. However his assessment of this biblical story needs clarification immediately as it has no doubt scandalized every person with similar levels of ignorance on the matter. But because Mayor Mike Taylor is of greater authoritative substance than I, and therefore be able to reach more souls. I pray that he was taught humility in his “religious rearing” and be open to hear the truth about this story.
Mayor Mike Taylor that passage about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is in fact about the sin of homosexuality along with other perverse and wicked sins that God was horrendously offended by. What you have done is confused yourself by, first of all, not relaying the real story. Yes, God did send two angels to come for Lot and his family. No Lot did not give his daughters to the angry mob but rather offered them as in those days it was within their culture to honor guests even to their own harm. And the details after the destruction such as Sara's demise and Lot's daughters sleeping with their father are irrelevant to the root cause of the just punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. You, yourself admitted that the angry crowd did not want the two virgin daughters but rather desired to rape the angels (who they believed to be men). Are we to believe all of the members of the angry mob were women? Of course not, many of these if not most were men wanting to rape Lot's two guests. Is this not homosexuality?
Mayor Mike Taylor are you aware that the word 'homosexuality' did not exist in those days but rather from that time on the sin of homosexuality was referred to as Sodomy and that sin got its name from Sodom? Are you also aware that among other grave offenses, Sodomy is a sin that actually cries out for Justice to God? Did you know the entire history of the Christian Church believed this to be so for more than 2,000 years? Did you know that promoting Sodomy as though it were no different from a marriage between a man and a woman is also a grave offense? In these days, we cannot afford to be blissfully ignorant Mayor Mike Taylor and if we choose to speak on matters of this magnitude, it might behoove us to actually speak from a basis of knowledge rather than opinion.